An Unexpected Bounty of Strawberries
Lo’ and behold August and I were hoeing the garden to plant some watermelon seeds when we had to double take what we were scraping up. To my surprise there were Strawberry plants growing 25 feet away from my Strawberry Patch. As far as I can tell a squirrel must have sat on the fence eating some strawberries last year and seeded the area with more strawberries. Time to move the plants down to the existing patch.
Now with the plethora of strawberries “planted” time to work on the Watermelons. On the scale of snacks it goes #1 Apples, #2 Watermelon and #3 Cherries. I prefer to hoe the planting area to get any existing grass and weeds removed. Followed by digging up the rows using a shovel followed by tilling the turned dirt to get a nice loose bed to plant in.
After any new work: weeding, planting, watering I have to take a minute to see if anything is pushing its way to the open air. In this walk-about the peas and melons are starting to peak through.