The Staining Continues…
Another day comes bringing with it more staining. The good news? all the blueberry beds are ready for installation. Excited to highlight the bushes and overall less management this year after this spurt of work.
Living in a Snow Globe
Weather in Central New York is always a bit unpredictable.
The Great Chicken Escape!
Came home this morning to find out the Chickens decided to roam the neighborhood while we were gone. Great thing is finding out it wasn’t a big deal as they followed me right back into their “yard”. Some clucking and finger snapping did the trick, I guess they know where their food comes from. Of course I had to reward them for being so great with a whole cup of Mealworms! Just wait until all the chicks are roaming around as well.
Building Continues on the Blueberry Beds and Raspberry Trellises
The great thing about working remotely is that in addition to being able to work from home, there isn’t any “set” hours to the day beyond those I define. Which makes it perfect for tackling all the Spring Yard work. Today we’re continuing the blueberry beds and raspberry trellises. After all the prep work yesterday I found myself in production mode: assemble, assemble, assemble. Its good to be outside and working with my hands. A little more staining and getting the bases for the raspberry beds together and we’ll be ready for the new arrivals… maybe, we still need to get the beds created for the cherry and apple trees.
Weekend Projects : Prepping the Blueberry Beds
With new trees and bushes on the way I better make sure the existing ones are well cared for. This Sunday’s project Miss Caprice joined me in prepping for the berry beds and Trellis. Showing her the “V” technique for marking lengths so you know where to make your cut. Cutting all the pieces to size, tHen getting the top and joints stained before starting assembly of the blueberry beds. We decided to go with hexagons, was thinking about octagons but I think the hexagons will draw the eye better. We’ll see when they are all installed. Hopefully will be able to keep working on everything over the next few…
2018 : Raspberry Patch
Last year we started the Raspberry Patch with some off shoots from the Father-in-law. They are “pink” and were great in that we got some good pickings during the first year. Getting the Raspberry Trellises installed this year will spruce up the yard and help keep the deer at bay. We’ll also be expanding with some “red” raspberries from our neighbors and some “black” raspberries we ordered that should be arriving next week.
Chicks are a Roosting
The chicks sure are roosting a lot. The Plymouth Rocks are always on top of the box, the reds seem pretty content to hang out below but are starting to jump up to the roosting bars we put in at varying heights. Another 2 weeks in the house before we move them out to the screened 3 season porch.
2018 : Blueberry Patch
I kind of neglected the Blueberry Bushes last year. We saw some decent leaf growth but the plants themselves were often cropped on by deer and I also think they were a bit “shocked” during the initial planting. Certainly didn’t help that I never got around to covering them for the winter and the last winter storm caused some breakage. Live, Learn and do better. We’ll start 2018 by straightening up the patch and getting some proper low profile fencing up to let them thrive.
2018 : Ginger Gold Apple
We’ve nick-named this tree “The Dancer” with its slight curves and split main branches. Makes you want to throw your arms up and dance. We saw great growth in all of the Apple Trees with the abundant sun from the souther exposure. Might do a hexagon/octagon liner for outlining the mulch and keeping any weeds from overgrowing it but all in all looking forward to simply watching our Ginger Gold grow.
2018 – North Star Pie Cherry
I don’t know if it was the location or simply the breed. However the North Star Pie Cherry grew the best last year. The deer got a hold of it at the end of the year but it turned out to be for the best as they pruned it and caused the limbs to branch evenly. Looking forward to seeing how it grows in 2018.