We have a Flock of Chickens
After many days of hand wringing and close watch of the chickens the chicks and chickens are finally getting along. All separating fences are down and they are free to roam. We now have a flock of Chickens as 2 was definitely only a couple. We’ll need to upgrade the roosting bar in the coop as its currently only a 2′ x 1′ fir strip. While we are at it should also make sure to put some more in the enclosed area of the coop, but that is a project for another day.
Integrating the Chicks with the Chickens…
So far the Chickens aren’t playing so nice with the Chicks and repeatedly peck them and squawk while they are in the run together. No big issues so far as we’ve been around while they are out. We’re going to have to let them figure it out shortly. In the mean time they are quite content roosting on their box below the coop. It makes me want to put a little perch/bar in their area but no I have to stop myself as its only temporary.
They’re free, free… FREE!!!
Once you get chickens you start to see them everywhere. Our Neighbors got some chicks the same time as our little ones. With the weather cooperating its time to start letting the chicks mingle with the mature chickens. I’m a little nervous about how Charlotte will treat them so we’re going to take this real slow. For now they’ll all be in their run while we’re outside and hopefully after a few weeks they’ll all be able to happily share the coop. I’m nervous the fence isn’t tall enough as these chicks can fly!
Chicks in the Hen House :: Day 2
Its day 2 and the chicks seem to be super excited about being outside. They were out of the box for most of the day simply wandering and pecking at the ground. Even saw a few scratching at it in imitation of the adult chickens. Chick-Chick and Charlotte aren’t that interested in them except for trying to steal their food. Definitely need to keep an eye on their water and food a little more in this heat wave but so far so good. We’ll let them wonder the whole run this weekend when not distracted by work and other misc weekday activities.
The Chicks are outside!!
With May comes the warmer weather and the chicks are out to the coop. Well under the coop as they get acclimated to Chick-Chick and Charlotte. Beyond their solo explorations of the office and the garage the box is where they’ve spent all their time so keeping it for their use for the time being. We’ll want to most likely downsize so they get a little more running around space when they aren’t able to be in the yard. They were a little hesitant but by the end of the day they all had ventured out to peak around, and to eat as we strategically placed that out and about.…
The Great Chicken Escape!
Came home this morning to find out the Chickens decided to roam the neighborhood while we were gone. Great thing is finding out it wasn’t a big deal as they followed me right back into their “yard”. Some clucking and finger snapping did the trick, I guess they know where their food comes from. Of course I had to reward them for being so great with a whole cup of Mealworms! Just wait until all the chicks are roaming around as well.
Cleaning the Coop
With the warm weather comes, cleaning the chicken coop. Luckily we have 3 pairs of little hands to help on this seasonal task. Having laminate flooring under the bedding made cleanup a breeze. With just the 2 chickens the bedding stayed overly dry with the lower layer completely dry so a quick sweep did the trick without the need of mopping. Even with quadrupling the number of chickens (+6) next year I think the amount of bedding should be about the same. We also tossed a bunch of hay down on the fenced in portion of their coop as they pecked it to dirt. Surprisingly it equaled 2 wheelbarrow loads,…
To Catch a Chicken
Castle and Chick~Chick have been picking on Coraline. When we got her she had already been pecked at and was our “Rescue Chicken” but she hasn’t been recovering. Long story short after a brief chase/capture our screened in porch has turned into a recovery ward. Complete with roosting bar (a.k.a a broom). Now that she’s had a bath and we can monitor her food/water I hope she gets better so we can have 4 happy & healthy chickens. Not to mention our porch back.