With all the plantings done for the year its great to be able to simply stroll the yard and take a moment to enjoy the miracle that is Mother Nature.
Peas are sprouting, I’m thinking we over seeded
They don’t look like much yet but Brussel Sprouts are coming in.
The Strawberry Transplants are thriving, I’m giving it a go for moving the rest.
The Raspberry Patch is filling in nicely. Elaine was right that maybe I put the rows a little close together.
Blackberries are growing a little more slowly than I anticipated. That is fine as berries come in on 2nd year canes.
Blueberries are filling in. Fingers crossed the deer stay away.
Waiting to see if the blossoms change into cherries!
Looking much better this year. already seeing new branches growing.
Pear Trees are taking root well.
Its exciting watching and wondering how the Apple Trees will grow.