Goji Trellis – Random Weekend Project
Spent the morning down at Beard Park and had a free afternoon. I’ve been feeling the need to do something constructive with my hands so since I had all the odds and ends needed it was time to build a trellis for the goji berry bush we planted this spring.
Making this trellis was relatively easy as I had some 6 ft trim strips so the most complicated part was matching the appropriate drill bit for the screws so there is no splitting. After anchoring the trims together on one end I used some scrap 2×6 ends to curve the boards and then finished by cutting some horizontal strips that will be the final support.
Quite happy to see how this turned out. Now the only question is do I want to clear coat it or since it is on the brick maybe this time it is worth white washing. Better decide quick so I can get the gojis trained to climb.