• Our Town

    Brickyard Falls – Morning Hike with Dad

    Its Spring Break so we’re getting the first hike of the year out of the way (in prep of many more). The CNY Land Trust acquired more acreage along Brickyard Falls complete with existing 4-wheel trails that lead down to the creek bed (No need to scale the cliffs, although you can if you are careful). As such it is the perfect time to grab Grandpa (Dad) and go for a hike through the woods. Quite a nice enjoyable stroll with several old cars along the way. The great debate is whether the original owners took the trail to sharply and voila or if they were dumped here after they…

  • Our Town

    Edwards Falls – Found

    Decided enough was enough and went hiking the creek to find the elusive Edwards Falls. As you head upstream you get boxed in from the gorge walls with no easily traversable paths that would make the falls easily reachable. Getting your feet wet is the way to go. Others have traversed this path as well. I wonder what was here in the past. Brick Foundation that has crumbled but even more interesting is the stone arch to let the water flow under during periods of high water… some more research to do on this. Took longer than expected to reach the falls ~45 minutes, probably could be less but took…

  • Our Town

    Hunt for the elusive Waterfall

    Elaine and I went on a Waterfall Hike with the boys up the creek  ~ 700 feet from the house. Although we didn’t make it to the waterfall as it required crossing the creek it was still a great time. The boys loved playing in the water and we found a great swimming area that we’ll be visiting when the water level is low and it is a little warmer. I’ll have to wander the creek alone to see if there is a good way to get the whole family to the waterfall. I wonder if we could talk the town into allowing us to build a walking path up the creek…