Spring Planting 2018 : Part One
With the Stark Bro’s order arriving today its déjà vu time starting the day off with staining and assembling of the remaining Raspberry Trellises. The kids sure are a lot of help and take turns between painting and riding their bikes and scooters. They’ve been cooped up too long.
Low and behold right after lunch the Pears, Plums and Black Raspberries arrived and the kids are biting at the bit to play in the dirt.
We decided to start with the Black Raspberries, which in hindsight might have waited to last as there was a lot of beds to get dug out and leveled. Kids were entertained digging for worms while I leveled and raised the bed repeatedly… still not sure if they are fully level but they look good.
After a short break its time for getting the trees planted. Originally planned to put the plum and pear trees all with the existing apples, however after laying down the beds its a no go the last tree would have been in to much shade from the neighbors tree. After much moving about change of plans: Plums are moving out front and the single nectarine tree will go with the pears (when it arrives). The kids all picked a pear tree and did the whole planting and mulching, hence why August’s is slightly, just slightly crooked, I’ll have to straighten that tomorrow. Too tired to do it today 🙂
They did a great job. To wrap up the day the kids went back to chalk work and scooters while I quickly, or at least I thought it was going to be quick, planted the plum trees. Apparently the little knoll in front of the house is mostly slate and other large stones. Using the pickaxe made it go better than it would have been with just a shovel.
After wrapping up the kids first thoughts was when do the black berries come. Tuesday so we have a short break to clean up all the extra sod (going in the garden for now). Also need to spray paint the pots for the indoor citrus trees that are on the way. Lemons, Limes and Oranges “Oh My!”
Now here’s to hoping I wake up early to watch shooting stars with the kids, if I can wake them up after today.