Spring on the Farm
When at Grandpa’s Farm its time for tractor driving! Caprice is a pro, no fear and drives like a 30 year old with no help beyond directions on where to head to. Lionel needs a little more assistance but enjoys being in control of the Tractor. Even August took Daddy for a little spin to visit the moo cows.
Operation Successful
Breathing a sigh of relief today. I was worried cutting the Hanson Cherry Bush back down to the root but it looks to have been the right choice. It means our 2nd bush won’t be pollinated this year but I’m trying to think long term. Snow and Ice damage is nothing to take lightly.
Water + Sunshine => Growth
It’s really enjoyable watching your plantings grow. Although beyond putting the seeds where they lay, Mother Nature takes care of the rest. Beyond a little weeding and irrigation. Take a stroll with me and enjoy the garden. We planted the sugar baby watermelon last so they are still catching up with everything else. However the Potato plants and Melons we planted from seeds saved from last year are really taking off. One of the raised garden beds is being taken over by unknown seedlings so we’ve officially got a mystery box this year mixed in with the parsley, chives and Pepper Plants we were planning.
Citrus Update
Having plants in the house are proving difficult. You don’t have to worry about the bugs, heavy rains, temperature but somehow Mother Nature still throws you for a spin. Its been over a month since we’ve “planted” the citrus trees but they’ve been going throw a yellow phase. It looks like that phase is finally ending with new growth on 2 of the trees. Still an occasional leaf drop from the lemon tree but overall I think things are looking up.
Red Rome Beauty – Aptly named
Spring is a wonderful time of year, full of life and renewal.
We have Cherries!
Its official, I see little green cherries forming! I’ll have to figure out what netting to put up to keep the birds away but for today I’m going to enjoy the simple fact that we’re growing Cherries!!! The orchard is officially in business, so to say. I’m thinking we also have some blueberries as well but I’ll have to watch longer before making that call.
Eye See You
Inquisitive Chickens, they sure like their space but know who brings them food.
August expanding the Strawberry Patch
The best part of working on the garden is spending time with the kids. August acts all grown up and there isn’t anything he can’t do. We expanded the patch to 3 rows last week but today we increased it to 4 rows. All in total we have 55 Strawberry Plants in the Garden. I was wandering the yard and there are several more up by the patio as well. Those squirrels sure get around. I’m quite content with increasing the patch from 20 to 55 plants over 1 year. So no more transplants this year. We’ll see how much yield we get and if we’ll keep the patch this…
We have a Flock of Chickens
After many days of hand wringing and close watch of the chickens the chicks and chickens are finally getting along. All separating fences are down and they are free to roam. We now have a flock of Chickens as 2 was definitely only a couple. We’ll need to upgrade the roosting bar in the coop as its currently only a 2′ x 1′ fir strip. While we are at it should also make sure to put some more in the enclosed area of the coop, but that is a project for another day.
Petal Chasing
The joy of simple things in life. Chasing wind tossed petals in the courtyard.