Cleaning up the Blueberry Patch
April Weekends are for yard work and today we installed the new Blueberry Beds. When we planted the bushes last year we put them a little to far down and so this means burying the beds partially into ground which will also help keep them from moving. Pick-Axes sure do come in handy working around the yard they are perfect for taking the top layer off of an area.
A quick dig and some mulch and the patch is complete. Rounded off the day getting the Raspberry Trellises assembled and rough placed around the yard. Doing a quick count of things left to make and it looks like 30% of needed beds were made in the last 7 days…. only 14 2ft hexagon beds (Apples, Pears, Plums, Nectarine, Cherries), 3 Trellises, 2 1.5ft hexagon beds (cherry bushes), 1 1ft octagon for the light pole and an odd framing around the front cherry tree and landscaping.
Definitely some up front work but when done it’ll greatly reduce the time to weed and maintain… I hope.